Milborrow: Growing Zimbabwe’s Livestock Industry Using IP

(Zimbabwe) – In 2013, Zimbabwe’s cattle herd was 5 million herd of cattle (, and a bulk of these have been vaccinated by Milborrow products, HITET being lead.

HITET, the tried and tested animal vaccine brand that has kept the Zimbabwean herd for over a century, is and intellectual property product and brand of Milborrow Animal Health. Milborrow Animal Health was formed in 1886 and has formed a partnership with the wholly Zimbabwean owned Medivision Holdings (Pvt) Limited.

The company operates within the livestock and agrochemicals industries in Zimbabwe. Its core business is to develop, manufacture and distribute products in the farming industry.

The products range from antibiotics, vaccines, and worm remedies to dips and other veterinary products.

Its agrochemical wing markets and distributes agricultural chemicals which include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.

Milborrow Animal Health has several divisions, that include Milborrow Animal Health (Retail out-let with in-house Veterinary surgeon), Agro Chemicals Africa P/L, Pennvet Wholesaler (with an in-house veterinary surgeon), Medvet Factory (GMP Zimbabwe with an in-house veterinary surgeon), and a Laboratory: Hitet Dairy Centre (Analytical chemists and milk specialist).

Read more in Kufunga Magazine.